Nine Unique Steps to Discovering Unique Texts

1.   Remove your limits     
     Lower your topic into one context and discuss it. For example, if you are trying to write "Learning Skills", expand your thinking to "School". Write down everything that comes to mind when you think of School, and when you run out of ideas start asking yourself open-ended questions about the subject and commenting on your answers. For example: 
What did I enjoy about school? 
Why should I be shocked? 
What would I like to know from Day 1? 
     This will help you to get back into the mind of the person who is struggling with school problems of all kinds and you will start to feel the things that are bothering him or her. 
 2.  Restore your focus 
     Once you have begun to understand the general feelings of your readers, allow your mind to focus on your first Reading Skills topic. From your new perspective, what questions could you ask? What would you like to know? Is this really a matter of “learning” or is it about Time Management or being able to work without interruptions or being disabled for fear of not doing well? 
3. Be your audience 
     Write each question on a separate piece of paper; do not stop until you have at least ten and the best. Keep in mind your readers until you feel comfortable asking all the big questions that concern them.
4.Take a step back 
    Put a lot of your question aside for a few hours, all night if possible. Do not think of them; just go about your day as usual. Take your time in trying to process them without further ado. When new questions come to mind write them in a safe place and forget about them. 
 5. Take out your pen and write 
     When you are ready, sit down with your questionnaire and start answering it. Writing your answers manually can give you access to ideas that you may miss when you write it. Do not organize yourself in this section. Using Speech to Text software or a digital tape recorder can also be helpful in passing an internal editor. Imagine a man sitting in front of you asking for advice and just talking to him. Keep your tone natural and conversational and stay with the question and answer format. 
 6. Organize slowly Trust your first impression
     Read and correct any obvious mistakes, but do not make any major edits until your piece has a "stay" time. Also, leaving it at night will give you a new perspective next time you look at it, but even if your deadline does not allow for that it is important that you take a break from it. If you run out of time, writing a few essays at a time can create enough shifting focus to make you “forget” what you just wrote. 
7.  Cool Short articles 
     will probably not require much editing if you write them as described here. They will flow easily and naturally already and having each Q&A on a separate sheet makes it easy to choose only the ones you want. Your task now is to put them in logical order and to make sure that they are understandable and that the reader is guided smoothly from one question to another. 
8.  Up and place it on the tail 
     Write a short introduction to the introduction as a “notebook” for the main topic. Many text editors now place the first paragraph of each episode in the RSS feeds hosted by other websites, so you'll want to make sure your two or three keywords appear at least once in that first paragraph. Write another short paragraph to summarize the main points of the article and provide some ideas for the reader to explore the topic. Don't really forget your resource box: use the format to get your link, so that when your article is converted to html your link will automatically live. 
9.  Publish it


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