Stay Healthy – Learn How To Meditate

 Stay Healthy – Learn How To Meditate

     Wondering how people who live up to 100 with good health quality do so? In his book Aging Well, a Harvard researcher, George Vaillant, M.D., found what the foremen did. They cultivate a sense of peace, well-being and maintain a positive attitude. How? Here is one of their biggest secrets: meditation. The irony of meditation is that it is already known in the West as a form of medicine, but it has been practiced in the East for many years. So in my quest to give you some simple ways to cleanse your energy, I will start by explaining meditation, and then I will show you how easy it is to apply it to your daily routine.

Meditation Explanation
     Meditation exercise uses physical and mental experience as a way to reconnect with the environment and its healing power. Meditation, when practiced frequently, has been shown to promote inner peace and well-being. Meditation is the practice of the mind in which the mind is directed to one place, usually the spirit. It draws its influence from man's connection with nature and creates a sense of unity or belonging.

     This cohesion has been shown to increase contact with the body's air. It is also known for allowing positive thoughts to cause positive and negative effects. Meditation techniques are easy to read and can be easily incorporated into any lifestyle. If you do this regularly, meditation will keep your body and mind balanced.

Common benefits of meditation and exercise and breathing include:

Deep inner peace
Improved confidence
Innovative growth
Physical health / healing
Reduced medical care
Reducing / reversing aging
Treatment of heart disease
Stimulating the immune system
Reduced stress

     I have found that there are really no good ways to meditate. Here are a few of my favorite meditation exercises that will get you started. Remember, there is no wrong way here. Try this, or just keep quiet for 20 minutes, every day. You'll be glad you did.

Meditation Exercise
     Sit with your legs in a comfortable position (Indian style) with your hands relaxed at your thighs. Close your eyes and imagine a ray of light descending from the bottom of your spine across the earth and connecting in the center of it.

     Allow this light beam to extend wider until it is wider than your body and enclose it in envelopes. This is your personal space.

     This exercise puts you completely in your body and reminds you to hold on to the world. Remember, the more you focus, the more you realize. Feel the presence of a higher being: listen to his voice.

Power Cleaning Exercise

     Now that you have settled down, it is important that you clean up this personal space. Most of the time we collect other people's energy and we don't know about it. We do this both in collaboration with others and in the basic activities of daily life.

     To remove all external energy from your space, consider holding a brush and sweeping the trash.

     Allow the debris to fall to the ground and be washed away. Let the light from previous activity cover your body and spread its healing power to the edges of your space, creating a protective field around you.

     Cleansing the area around your body will keep you focused, define your boundaries and announce your location. Then choose who and what you wish to put in your space, avoiding diseases and illnesses.

Breathing Exercise

     Follow your breath as you breathe slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Count by exhaling one at a time until 10 and then starting again at one.

     If you find yourself over 10, accept this and start again in one place wherever you are.
     Imagine that your body's cells are replaced with fresh, pure oxygen and healing energy from this energy source. Imagine that you are pulling out old cells, stress, illness, and anxiety.

     Let your thoughts run through your mind like drifting clouds. They come in and pass patiently. If the mind is to harbor negative thoughts, focus on breathing.

     Be grateful for any persistent negative thoughts that come to your mind and release them well.

Only listen to the beautiful, loud voice; the voice of your body.

Restore Your Strength Exercise

     Since foreign power tends to stay in your area, let’s assume you are leaving energy elsewhere. After completing the previous exercises you need to re-energize and drive backwards.

     Imagine that you have a magnetic field that you use to pull your energy back. Imagine the energy flowing back to your body, filling your body with light, health, and energy.
Allow a few minutes for the process.

Journal questions:

     Record in your journal any problems or problems you may have emotionally, physically or otherwise. Let the problems go and give them your meditation.

     Do you see solutions coming to you all day long? Do you notice in your mind that your body and mind are calm and clear?


      Give yourself time for your spirit every day. Show good manners and speech that shows your respect


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