Meditation, Become Your Own Relaxation Expert


Meditation, Become Your Own Relaxation Expert

     Meditation has been practiced all over the world for thousands of years. It is a technique  used to  calm  the  mind and body,  and to relieve stress. It  can   bring concentration and clarity, and often, after meditation, the problems  you  struggle with, are miraculously  solved. Meditation  has  also  been  known  to  encourage people to write, and to encourage profitable business ideas, as your little awareness emerges.

     One simple form of meditation requires that you sit in a quiet room, either on a pillow, or with your legs crossed, or in a reclining chair, making sure your spine is straight. It is recommended that you use the same area daily. It is also suggested that you make your space your own, by decorating it with candles, flowers, and pictures of your loved ones.

      The idea is to stay calm, keep your eyes closed, and focus on the point within your forehead. Try not to think anything special, but do not try to ‘think’ again, let your mind be calm, and at peace. If you find that your mind is ‘bustling’, do not try to control it, just let it finish what it is on, it will end up quiet. It is also recommended that beginners start with a ten- to twenty-minute session, each day. After a while to do this, you will begin to feel deep relaxation and happiness during these moments.

     The first step in this addiction is to sit in a quiet, comfortable place, making sure you are facing a wall eight meters away from you. Select a location or object from that wall, then create that location or counter your target location. You look at your focus area, start counting backwards from 100, the number one for each breath you exhale. 

     As you do this, you see yourself floating, and you feel more comfortable. You will begin to feel the eyelids of your eyes heavy, and you may begin to blink. Let your eyes close slightly, and as you continue to count backwards, see yourself limping like a rag doll, completely relaxed, and floating in a safe and comfortable environment. Stop counting, and just float in your space. If any disturbing thoughts should come while you are in your place, just let them out again, and let them continue to feel safe and comfortable. This process can help you deal with stress, and relieve stress that may accumulate during stressful situations.

     When you are ready to break free from this addiction, you can either go to bed, or count from one to three and then leave. First, count one, and get ready to go out. Second, take a deep breath, and hold for a few seconds. Third, take a deep breath and open your eyes slightly. As you open your eyes, continue to hold on to that feeling of relief and comfort.

     You may want to increase the length of your sessions to 30 minutes, or perhaps an hour. In today's hectic life-style, it is important for us to incorporate short-term meditation into our daily routine. For more self-help tips and tips, please visit my website.


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